Busy as bees!
Wednesday evening was a busy affair at the apiary. The Spring course was underway with Chris Barlow demonstrating practical tips for making brood boxes, supers and frames - all very relevant at this time of year as the swarms are plentiful and the nucs are arriving for the new beekeepers. Some beginners were hastily preparing their brood boxes on site ready to house their nuc at the apiary for a few weeks of guidance whilst their confidence develops. More experienced members were on hand to guide those looking for a helping hand.
The warm, dry weather over the last couple of weeks has given a real boost to the colonies, increasing brood to near maximum levels.The shop was busy with members purchasing hive parts to be ready for carrying out artificial swarms as soon as queen cells appear in their colonies..
As the evening was dry and relatively warm some were able to just relax and enjoy the Spring evening at the apiary taking in the aroma of the rhododendrons on the other side of the fence whilst enjoying a good natter.