Processing Beeswax Masterclass
Once you have been beekeeping for a few years you start to accumulate beeswax...lots of beeswax...and then you start to wonder what to do with it. Well last Wednesday some of our questions were answered when Master Beekeeper David Barrett hosted yet another Masterclass. This time it was on processing beeswax. David was also helped by Duncan Brearley and Chris Barlow.
David demonstrated how wax can be recovered from used frames with the use of a steamer. He also showed how the wax is filtered and then how to prepare it for sale, both in its raw form and also as candles and sticks. He explained different types of moulds and showed how dyes and essential oils can be added.
Chris Barlow explained how he uses beeswax to produce skin creams. He covered how he blends ingredients in order to produce the perfect skin product. He also explained the legislation around producing these products if they are being sold to the public.
Duncan Brearley explained to us the process of producing soap from beeswax and demonstrated the use of the moulds he has manufactured to do this.
It was a fascinating evening enjoyed by everyone who attended.