Preparing your honey for sale......
What happens if you take twenty-five beekeepers, some large buckets of honey, an electric drill and a couple of hand blenders? A Winter Masterclass of course! That is precisely what happened on Saturday 26th January as Master Beekeeper Dave Barrett spent a Saturday afternoon taking attendees through the process of preparing honey for sale from “super to jar”, be that runny, soft set, or for those with an adventurous streak with a bit of ginger or lemon.
The assembled beekeepers covered the full gamut of beekeeping experiences, from those who have yet to experience the joy of bottling their first honey to those who have been jarring honey for more years than they have fingers. The liberal usage of plastic sheeting during the process will hopefully mean that the Wednesday night Zumba class do not become affixed permanently to the floor or indeed ensure we are not blacklisted at the Newman centre.
See our January newsletter for a full report on this fantastic Masterclass!