Otley Science Fair

Leeds Beekeepers brought a buzz to the 2022 Otley Science Festival held at the Old Courthouse on 19th November. This volunteer-led event celebrates how science, technology, engineering and arts projects work together to improve our world. On a wet and miserable day outside the event brought a sense of fun inside The Courthouse was alive with local and regional groups showing off the best science Yorkshire had on offer. From physics to biology and engineering to wildlife, there was something for everyone
For Leeds Beekeepers the cut-away hive was a great aid in helping us explain the bee activity within the hive. Our posters of Asian hornets and photographs of varroa mites highlighted the threat to bees and the need for action to ensure healthy colonies. Andy’s slides of bee parts were a particular point of interest to youngsters using hand lenses to view the features more closely. The bee legs, wings and mouthparts were the most popular.
Thanks to everyone who helped – Trish Narayan, Alison Elgie-Heaton and Cath Graham were joined by relatively new beekeepers, Curtis Ledger and Raymond Middler; an entertaining day was had by all. Why not join us next year as a volunteer at the Science Fair?